ADL Workshop in Mauritania

From June 14th to 19th, 2023, the ADL workshops were held in Nouakchott, Mauritania. The workshops aimed to assess and enhance the state of distance education in the Mauritanian military education sector, with a particular focus on collaboration with NATO DEEP eAcademy. Noteworthy meetings were conducted with key personnel, reflecting the significance of the workshops and their potential for positive changes.

On the first day of the ADL Workshop, the NATO DEEP eAcademy delegation had the privilege of meeting with distinguished individuals representing key institutions within the Mauritanian military education sector. These meetings were instrumental in fostering collaboration and shaping the workshop discussions. The following notable individuals were present:

  • Lt. Col. Mohamed Sidi Moahamed Mousa, representing the university commander
  • Lt. Col. Ing Ahmed Salem Boheyte, representing CDG5S (Centre de Doctrine et de Gestion des Forces pour le Sahel)
  • Cdt Mohamed Mohameden, representing CNCE (National Center for Computer Education)
  • Cne Ing Salah dine Maham, representing CNCE

The presence of Lt. Col. Mousa, Lt. Col. Boheyte, Cdt Mohameden, and Cne Maham underscored the commitment and support from key stakeholders in advancing distance education in Mauritania’s military education sector. These meetings enriched the workshop’s objectives and laid the foundation for productive collaborations.

The main objectives of the workshops included:

  1. Understanding the current state of distance education: A thorough analysis was conducted to evaluate existing distance education programs, resources, technologies, and infrastructure in the Mauritanian military education sector. This assessment aimed to identify challenges and opportunities for the development of distance education. Technological solutions such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence (AI) in education were also presented during the workshops. Furthermore, the characteristics and utilization of the ILIAS LMS platform and the BigBlueButton system were discussed in detail.
  2. Understanding the expectations from NATO DEEP eAcademy: Consultations and meetings were held with Mauritanian representatives to understand their expectations, priorities, and specific needs regarding distance education. The aim was to align with Mauritania’s expectations and support the development of the sector. The workshops focused on identifying potential areas of collaboration between Mauritania and NATO DEEP eAcademy in the field of distance education. The visit to Mauritania resulted in increased activity and collaboration in the ADL field.

As a result of the workshops, it is expected that the collaboration between Mauritania and NATO DEEP eAcademy will be further strengthened, leading to advancements in distance education and the utilization of innovative technologies. The collective efforts of the delegation, along with the comprehensive analysis and identification of collaboration opportunities, will contribute to enhancing distance education and fostering technological advancements in the military education sector in Mauritania.